Walking Meditation for a Broken Heart


Heartbreak is an inevitable part of life and no one is exempt from experiencing it in some shape or form.  It can be one of the most debilitating feelings and at the same time, offers us one of the most significant opportunities for reflection, growth and transformation.  Feeling heartbroken allows us to meet ourselves in the depths of our pain.  And within those depths lies a type of surrender, strength and wisdom that can only be birthed from this kind of experience.

This meditation was channeled during a moment of heartbreak and as these words came through, I was offered peace and comfort.  My deepest desire is for these words to bring you anything of the sort.  Remember, whatever you’re feeling in this moment right now, is perfect, because there is no right or wrong way to feel.   This experience is uniquely your own and there is no set timeline for healing.  Have patience, listen to your body and stay compassionate with yourself.  May you find peace in the knowing that lighter days do lie ahead.