Swimming With Whales Sleep Journey - With Music


This is our most imaginative sleep journey yet!  Imagine being able to breath underwater.  Imagine having a tail that swiftly guides you through the ebb and flow of the water in any way that you desire.  Imagine the breathtaking beauty and vibrant colour of corals, rocks and sea life along the ocean floor. 

#SleepJourney #GuidedMeditation #Nature

This mystical and relaxing sleep journey takes you through the magical depths of the sea where you get to swim with other creatures.  Let this meditation guide you into deep and restorative sleep.  And let it carry on into your own dreamland, to be continued in the most beautiful of ways.

** Please note that all of our guided sleep journey meditations and any meditations intended to assist with sleep will not have a bell at the end of the meditation.  The music and voice will fade out slowly until the meditation comes to an end **

What kind of sleep journey would you like to embark on next?  Let us know in the comments below!