Relaxing Meditation for Ceramic Artists - With Music


Welcome to our occupational-based meditations!  These meditations are inspired by our desire to create personalized meditations for people working in particular professions.  We have gone through the process of interviewing people within certain careers and we have used their valuable words of wisdom to help guide us through the creation process.  As a result, we have created incredibly unique meditations that offer a variety of benefits to people working in certain professions.

How can meditation be a beneficial addition to your work week?  Let’s go through a few examples. 

If your job is physically demanding, it can be helpful to take time out of your day to check in with your body, stretch and release muscle tension.   Develop a deep awareness and ask yourself questions.  For example, did you wake up with tension?  How do you feel after your work day? Where are you currently holding tension? How can you best honour your body and maintain physically demanding or repetitive work?

Another example could be going to a job every day that requires a tremendous amount of mental energy, multi-tasking and brain power.  Perhaps you could benefit from taking five minutes during your lunch break (or before or after work) to practice some deep belly breathing and relaxing the mind to increase energy and productivity throughout the day.

Or perhaps your line of work requires deep emotional strength and you are required to be present for others to help assist them through incredibly heavy scenarios of illness, abuse or end of life.  It could be helpful to take time each day to allow your emotions to flow through your body, release stuck energy and to remind yourself that you are doing your best and that your best is enough.

Whether you absolutely love what you do every day, or whether it’s long term, short term, challenging or exciting, we can always use those gentle reminders to take breaks, take a deep breath, check in with ourselves & slow down.

Ultimately, we would like to provide you with meditations that encourage you to work with and honour your body to maintain deep levels of health and awareness within your line of work.  Because you are needed, you are important and you are worthy.  We cannot fully give from a half empty cup, so here is a loving reminder to make time for YOU.

What is your current line of work?  What meditations would you love for us to create next?  Let us know in the comments below!

Music Credits: Piano Meditation – Chris Collins